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Course Features
- Duration 2 day
- Assessments Self
Critical Thinking Course Singapore – Creativity, Innovation and Thinking
“Think critically!” is a common exhortation Singaporeans are challenged with. Given the fast pace of change, the quality of our thoughts are vital in addressing complex challenges that change brings about. Consciously thinking about how we think will enable us to rationally solve complex problems and make strategic decisions. This 2-day “Critical Thinking” workshop will equip participants with skills for applying critical thinking that will enhance individual and organisational performance.
- Describe how to apply Brookfield’s 5-Phase Critical Thinking Framework Understand and identify different styles of thinking
- Identify how to challenge assumptions and expand perceptions about different situations
- Arrive at better conclusions and decisions
- Influence and persuade others with clear thinking and clear language
- Move from idea to solution through pulling others into the implementation
- Run through a thinking situation – problem solving and design, coping and organizing
- Have a mindset of being a problem-solver
- Collaborate ideas and consider all factors
- Know the methodologies and framework they can use
Part I: Critical Thinking – The Fundamentals
- Understanding and identifying different styles of thinking
- Alignment on the definition of Critical Thinking – in the context of Vision, Mission and Goals of the Organisation
- Identifying the difference between creative thinking and critical thinking
- Understanding the link between creative thinking and critical thinking
- Contextualising the need for Critical Thinking in Organisation
Part II: Human Mind – The Bedrock of Thoughts
- Understanding the 3-Function Model of our mind
- Thinking
- Feeling
- Wanting
- Evaluating personal thinking inclination
- The power of perceptions
- Arriving at rational conclusions and decisions
- Linking the 3-Function Model to specific workplace situations
Part III: Critical Thinking and Art of Influencing
- Art of Persuasion – Aristotle’s 3-Pronged Strategy
- Winning Minds
- Winning Hearts
- Managing Self
- Communicating to Influence
- The 2 Foundations of effective communication
- Listening with 5 Senses
- Power of body language
- Asking powerful questions
- Paul and Elder’s Standards for Critical Thinking to assess quality of thinking
- Importance of clear thinking and clear language
- Applying Critical Thinking to Influence and Persuade others to take ownership
Part IV: Mindset for Critical Thinking
- Mindset for taking ownership for solving problems
- Applying Brookfield’s Critical Thinking Framework to enhance mindset for solving problems and making decisions
Part V: Critical Thinking in Action
- Converting ideas to solution thorough collaborative “buying-in” of other stakeholders for successful implementation
- Consider all factors for solving problems using the Decision Making Matrix framework
- Apply Critical Thinking to address different workplace situation
Part VI: Personal Action Plan
- Developing a Personal Action Plan for applying Critical Thinking at the workplace
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Course Features
- Duration 2 day
- Assessments Self
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